Thanks to our supporters, we are making a difference in the lives of breast cancer survivors in our community.
Did you know...
- 3,600 women (and men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer in our community this year?
- Project Pink'd served 62 counties in Nebraska and Western Iowa in 2023?
- Project Pink'd awarded over 545 grants totaling $304,000 directly to survivors in 2023 and the need is growing?
That is why every volunteer hour, every dollar donated and every survivor touched matters.
Remember, What's Raised Here Stays Here!
YOU can make a difference in our community. Join the Movement today.
We welcome all levels of donations. No matter how small or large, every donation counts. Project Pink’d, Inc. is committed to making a difference in the communities we live in. Always remember, what's raised here stays here.
Do it your way! Start a fundraiser to help survivors thrive. The money you raise will go directly to survivors through the programs we provide. The impact you make will literally change lives.
Businesses and organizations in our community are making the Project Pink'd mission part of their culture, engaging their employees, associates, business partners, customers, constituents and local communities in many ways to help breast cancer survivors improve their quality of life and thrive after diagnosis.
Stay in touch with the latest information about how Project Pink’d is engaging with the community and making a difference in the lives of breast cancer survivors. Please make sure you add to your “safe senders list” so emails from us do not go to your spam folders.